Get Terra Aluvis Vol.1 now in German or pre-order the English version!
I proudly present you the first volume of my lifework in German language:
Terra Aluvis is an epic yet emotional fantasy story I work on since more than 15 years. It is a novel with illustrations and a soundtrack – written, drawn and composed by myself. Mainly Terra Aluvis belongs to the genre fantasy, but also includes elements of science-fiction, boys love and BDSM. You don't need to be a yaoi-fan to like my story, although a fundamental tolerance towards relationships between young, handsome men would ensure you can enjoy my story in full depth.
PLEASE NOTE that the amount of boys love drawings in my gallery is exaggeratedly huge in relation to the amount of boys love scenes in my story. I simply love drawing my main characters in passionate settings more than in neutral storyline scenes.
[GERMAN – über Terra Aluvis Vol.1]
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als E-Book für 5 EUR | als Taschenbuch für 20 EUR
… oder für 6,99 EUR als E-book via alle gängigen Online-Shops Amazon | Epubli | Weltbild | Bü | Thalia
Was ist Terra Aluvis? Erfahre hier mehr: Über Terra Aluvis
Fang die Story direkt an zu lesen: Leseprobe Kapitel 1
Interested in my story Terra Aluvis? Here are some starting points for you to begin:
[ENGLISH – general information on Terra Aluvis]
What is Terra Aluvis? Read here.
Who are Sacris and Jerome? Find out here.
Listen to the soundtrack of Terra Aluvis: Soundtrack
Purchase the book, art prints, calendars, the soundtrack: VSP Shop
Want to join my project Terra Aluvis? ;)
I seek some helping hands: My Plans for 2015 - You are involved!
Click here to see our current Van Syl Production Team
This section is currently under construction. Please follow the links below to find illustrations, reading extracts and more information about Terra Aluvis:
Click here to visit my Deviantart gallery and find out more about my story Terra Aluvis